"For me, great web design rests on the dual pillars of intuitive use and visual aesthetic. I love to help my clients find their aesthetic voice. Doing so enables me to create user-friendly structures that uniquely express each client's specific values and individual personalities."
Lisa Heaner, Founder of HeyNerd Labs

lisa heaner
founder & creative director
A recent transplant to St. Paul, Minnesota, Lisa enjoys exploring their new city with her husband and their three fierce, adventurous children. One part ringmaster, one part short-order chef, two parts nurturer, three parts unapologetic word-nerd, Lisa wants to be where the action is, as long as she doesn't have to be center stage. When she isn't pushing for educational equity in her community or volunteering with local organizations, Lisa loves to sing and play her ukulele. She prefers to have her house filled with guests, likes to read and play board games, and has a soft spot for surly introverts.
Lisa believes firmly in the words of Mary Poppins, "In every job that must be done there is an element of fun." She brings this attitude to each design project she takes on. Never one to take herself too seriously (even if she is very serious about her work), Lisa chose the name HeyNerd Labs in homage to the near-constant mispronunciation of her last name, as well as a nod to her unabashed nerdiness.